POA - Pharmacy Owners Alliance

Our mission statement: To preserve, protect and promote the interests of pharmacy owners
Pharmacy Owners Alliance (POA) was originally formed as PFOA in 2004 when a group of 37 Medicine Shoppe franchise owners organized to represent its members’ interest in franchise issues. The not-for-profit association has evolved and grown to include over 500 member stores including franchisees, former franchisees and independent pharmacies in 36 states.
POA provides in depth analysis of each member’s current purchase patterns and offers advice on the best decisions for purchasing and rebates. We will help review other facets of your business including supplies, data mining, systems, security acquisition, transition and more.
By utilizing programs and services through our approved affiliate vendors, POA’s primary focus is to improve members’ opportunities to succeed in today’s business and healthcare environment.
Why POA?
We are Proud to Work with Over 560
Independent Pharmacy Owners Nationwide!